Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held remotely on Monday 20th April 2020 at 7.00pm

PRESENT:  Nigel Jacobs (Chair), Eric Benton, Marc Frost, Richard Draycott, Bernard Crease, James Carroll, Geoff Odell, Lizzie Barnicoat (Clerk), Borough Councillor Coombes and no members of the public.


The Chair welcomed all attendees, setting the expectations for an online virtual meeting and outlining how to keep the meeting efficient. Apologies for absence received and accepted from Mark Brooks and Graeme Dinner.


There was a declaration of interest received for the meeting from EB on item 6.c), no further declarations received.

3.     OPEN FORUM:  

There were no public statements received.


a)  20/00598/OUT Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of one detached dwelling at Land To The Rear Of  115 Cotton End Road – the Parish Council resolved to submit response stating that the Council has reviewed the application and has no objections in principle to a single dwelling within the Settlement Policy Area on this plot. Because of the narrowness of Chapel Lane the Parish Council would want conditions regarding deliveries to site and parking in Chapel Lane. There should only be parking on site during construction and all deliveries must unload on site so that other residents in Chapel Lane can always have access. The verges of Chapel Lane should also be given protection and must be restored if damaged.  The Parish Council has concerns about potential development adjacent to this site outside of the Settlement Policy Area Boundary and would not want this single dwelling adjacent development site to set a precedent. There have been previous applications.

b) To confirm response to current East West Rail public consultation – the Clerk to circulate the link to the East West Rail preferred route information for Bedford to Cambridge to all Councillors.          Action 4.01 Clerk

All Councillors to review the East West Rail information, to feedback if they wish to respond.                              Action 4.02 All


The Parish Council considered the consultation information and the potential impact on Wilshamstead parish.  Councillors unanimously agreed that the Clerk should respond stating that Wilshamstead Ward should be retained with Wixams and Wilstead, given the two parishes share a number of important local community facilities and services eg secondary school, bus services.

                                        Action 4.03: Clerk


a) To review and confirm any quotations received for maintenance  

Action 2.08 EWG To ascertain what monies would be needed to undertake repairing the wheel track marks at the allotment      £100 has been quoted for hire of digger and dumper for one day to carry out this work.

Action 2.08  Complete

Insurance was discussed and clarity given.  It was unanimously agreed to accept the £100 quote for the hire of the digger.      Action 4.03A: EWG

b) Invoices to be paid

Payment of accounts:  

Payee                                  Service                                                          Amount  

Barnicoat Ltd                        Clerking service March                  £887.37  

Information Commissioner Officer Renewal fee                        £40.00  

Wilstead Village Hall           Annual rent fee                              £1,375.86

A R Worboys Ltd               Grass CuttingSI1127                        £593.28

A R Worboys Ltd               Grass Cutting SI1241                        £593.28

Claudia Freeman                Maintenance of

Remembrance Garden & Borders                                            £60.00

WebPro                    Village Website Annual Fee          £82.80

Accompanying invoices filed in the Finance folder of PC documents held online in Office 365 SharePoint ahead of this meeting.  As minuted March 2020 the F&GP WG is delegated to approve and pay the above items electronically. However, these items yet to be paid, so it was unanimously resolved that payment of the above to be made.

Payments made out of meeting:

Plus Net Telephone and broadband                          £21.80 direct debit

Eon Uk Ltd street lighting charges                            £127.21 direct debit

Wilstead Village Hall Neighbourhood Plan hire expense £73.60 allocated to grant

Wixams Community Support Group supporting vulnerable and isolated members of the community during Covid-19             £100.00

Councillors unanimously agreed for the payments to be made

c) Scouts Club grant for financial assistance and consideration of supporting village facilities during closure

Finance and General Purposes Working Group recommendation that grant of £250 be paid to the Scout Club.  Councillors unanimously agreed and resolved to pay £250 to the Scout Club.                        Action 4.04: Clerk

The Jubilee Centre, Village Hall and Methodist Hall had been asked to provide the Parish Council with details of their costs whilst they have no income due to the Coronavirus.

Jubilee Centre Finances - EB declared an interest in this item so took no part in the discussion.  The Jubilee Centre had provided tick over costs. Year end accounts show the Jubilee Centre without any expected income in the immediate future the Centre will run out of funds within two to three months.  It was unanimously agreed for the Parish Council to cover the expected expenses needed to cover monthly outgoings for the next three months, £1,200 in total to ensure the financial sustainability of the community facility after lockdown.

GO joined the meeting

Village Hall Finances – The Village Hall had provided their tick over costs.  Councillors discussed.  It was agreed that it would be beneficial to fully understand the need of any village organisation applying for financial support to complete a standard application form for financial assistance during this lockdown period.  This would enable the Parish Council to understand in a uniform way the needs of the facility.  A revised form to produced by the F&GP WG for the village organisations to use for their applications.

                                       Action 4.05: F&GP WG

It was agreed that the Village Hall annual Parish Council rent invoice would provide them with some income for the interim.  A check to be made for which time period the invoice for payment related to.   Action 4.06: F&GP WG

Feedback to be given to the Village Hall.                           Action 4.07: Clerk

Information on financial assistance to be made widely available through the Homewatch once the revised form is created.                Action 4.08: Clerk

d) Year-end accounts  

Councillors have received a copy of the transaction report and bank reconciliation for the full financial year 2019/20.  The draft year end accounts have been produced, Clerk is following the latest guidance issued in terms of the year end audit which has been affected due to the current lockdown.  The external auditors have been notified that the Council will need to complete an intermediate audit.  Having reviewed the draft accounts, Councillors resolved they agreed the internal audit can be commenced.


NALC Events Bulletin emails  

Age Partnership email promoting services  

BBC Planning weekly list email  

Homewatch newsletter copy

Homewatch article submitted  

Online playgrounds promotional information  

CPRE update emails  

Bank statements  

Crime statistics - forwarded  

ERTA Voluntary Transport email  

Allotment tenant various communications

Burial ground and associated communications  

Beds Police newsletter

Copied into communications regarding Persimmon open space negotiations  

Resident wishing to arrange collection of orange recycling sacks – signposted to Borough Community Hub

Copied into communications regarding Wilstead Scouts group application form for financial assistance – agenda item

CPRE Neighbourhood Plan workshop presentation information - circulated

Wilstead emergency group communications regarding Coronavirus updates from Public Health England

Resident communications and copied into Police regarding speeding vehicles in Cotton End Road during the A6 diversion

Cambridge Building Society statement of bond accounts held for year end accounts

BBC Monitoring Officer confirmation BC's Register of Interest form has been received

A R Worboys liaison regarding weed killing

NFP Workshops bid writing information

65 dwellings, Village Farm, Cotton End Road, Wilstead 18/00433/MAO communications from local authority and information on Planning Committee on 23rd March for refusal  

BBC Officers communications regarding A6 diversion and associated highways matters

Neighbourhood Plan meeting minutes – forwarded  

Wilstead and Wixams pharmacies information on current applications

Expression of interest received in Parish Council vacancy – forwarded to F&GP WG

Communications regarding public license application for Herrings Green – dealt with  

Continued communications from NALC and BATPC information and updates on the coronavirus situation and how this impacts local councils

Andy Muskett Ltd street lighting contractor update on services during lockdown

Village Hall communication regarding closure during lockdown

BBC Environment Committee request for communication to Parish Councils

Jubilee Centre non use during lockdown period communications

Parish Council insurers update on closure period

Play area inspection offer for booking in May

Greensand Trust newsletter electronically

BBC communications regarding play areas being closed during lockdown in the parish

CPRE Membership card

Beds and MK Waterway magazine

East West Rail public information events and communications regarding preferred Bedford to Cambridge route and changes to consultation period

BBC Oakley Neighbourhood Development Plan latest  

BBC Planning policy guidance on Neighbourhood Plans during this period of lockdown – forwarded to NP Group

Resident concern over A6 contractor compound use – reported to Borough Highways and Planning, responses received, matter ongoing

JPAG Practitoners Guide & L02-20  

Resident communication regarding the skate park monies for the Parish Council to hold

Information Commissioners Office fee renewal due May 2020  

Resident expression of interest received in Councillor vacancy – forwarded to F&GP WG


Councillors received a copy of the last meeting minutes drafted by NJ, all Councillors unanimously agreed approval of the Parish Council meeting minutes with a correction to the apologies to be made as GC was absent.

                                         Action 4.09: Clerk

The Chair to sign a copy of the minutes, with minor amendment, as a true and accurate record.                                Action 4.10: Clerk

GC Borough Councillor report had been circulated.  The Working Group items to be listed as an appendix to the meeting minutes.


Chair closed the meeting at 8.22pm



20/00391/FUL Erection of porch to front and two storey and single storey rear extension (revised scheme) at 2 The Square – Permitted

20/00302/FUL Single storey front and side extension, garage conversion and alterations at 10 Luton Road - Permitted  

20/00282/FUL rey side and infill extensions to link main dwelling to existing garage, raise height of garage roof with the addition of two gable dormers and change of roof material at 7 Brambles - Permitted  

18/00433/MAO Outline application with all matters reserved except access for the erection of up to 65 dwellings and associated landscaping, drainage, engineering operations and demolition of existing buildings Land To Rear Of 85 Cotton End Road - Refused  


Action 1.07: Clerk To circulate submitted Parish Council comments relating to application 18/02285/FUL at 4 The Square.     Action 1.07: Complete

Action 3.01 PWG To submit to the Borough the PC's responses to the March planning applications. (2 The Square, 10 Luton Rd & & The Brambles)               Action 3.01 Complete

Clerk has checked all CIL payments due in April to ensure the Whitworth Way development payments are accurate, so this is up to date.


Action 2.05 (19): GC To clarify with the local authority the chain of communications during such an incident and who tells Cadent there is an emergency plan in place in the parish.                  Action 2.05 (19): Ongoing 

Action 11.05: GC To pursue Cotton End Road width of footway concern reported to local authority, widening the path as part of their capital improvement works.                                                    Action 11.05: Ongoing


Action 6.10: PAWG To liaise with the grass contractor to arrange for the weed killing to be carried out on the safety surface / path.  It was previously reported the weeds are now less of an issue and there is very little left.  Clerk sought confirmation of weed killer safety from current grass cutting contractor who have responded to confirm they do not carry out this type of work any more.                                                                  Action 6.10: Complete

Action 6.11: PAWG To proceed with a site visit by prospective contractors EcoSurface and Abacus Playgrounds in order to prepare more detailed quotations for the new safety surface. Also to ensure appropriate fall height / area by the Wicksteed metal climber, and check compliance with appropriate legislation.  Quotes reviewed. Clarification on above points will be sought from Contractors.                                           Action 6.11: Ongoing 


Action 10.24: EB To seek quotations to improve the area in front of the Crossroads shops. Quotations to include the hedge removal.. The removal of hedging is the only action at this stage .               Action 10.24: Ongoing 

Action 2.06 All Councillors  To consider the PC not insuring the CCTV equipment as per the PC's usual practice with certain other assets.   Clerk had sought clarity from insurers and circulated.             Action 2.06 Ongoing

Action 1.12: EB/RD To continue liaison with the Borough Council on A6 completion and remedial action on Luton and Bedford Roads following completion. Monthly meetings with the Borough Officers completed. Action now moves on to following with the Borough Council for remedial work to Luton Road which has been budgeted in this Financial Year.

                                        Action 1.12: Ongoing

Action 1.15: EB/RD To ensure the local authority put up the appropriate signage on the A6 to alert motorists to crossing pedestrians. Installation agreed by Highways. Signs are on order and will be waiting installation.                                                                      Action 1.15: Ongoing

Action 1.23: EB/RD To review and reply to request from Bowls Club for improved lighting on Bedford Road at entrance to Jubilee Way. No action to date. RD has advised that little can be done. Need to respond to Bowls Club.                                                                      Action 1.23: Ongoing

Action 2.10 EWG To seek a quote for the Allotment Society request for an additional water tap as some allotments are a long way from the taps.                                                                                    Action 2.10 Ongoing

Action 3.02 MF  CCTV installation. To receive confirmation from Darryl Hall at Borough regarding electrics. South East can't complete the plan until BCC agree the electrical works. BCC have asked many of the same questions, again, but MF now talking to the right person. Report when received to be circulated.                                                Action 3.02 Ongoing  

Action 3.03 EB /RD To seek clarity from Borough Officer is any assistance available with cost of average speed cameras    Action 3.03 Ongoing  


Action 10.11A (17) NJ To ascertain whether Persimmon will agree to the staggered release of the Section 106 monies. It is proposed to delete this action until all the work needed to bring the Public Open Spaces up to an adoptable standard have been completed or planned to be done.                                                                       Action 10/11A (17) Deleted

Action 3.04 NJ To feedback from site meeting to discuss transfer and associated works. A site meeting was held on 17th March and it was agreed to start work in week commencing 23rd March. The work was to upgrade the play equipment in the LEAP, install fencing and markings in the MUGA, put in a circular seat and tree where the missing LAP should have been installed and put up a fence between the play area and the balancing pond. The required upgrade to the existing LAP and the pond area next to Luton Rd have yet to be agreed with Persimmon.   Coronavirus has meant this work has been put on hold.                                                Action 3.04 Complete

Action 2.11: F&GP WG/Clerk To inform Borough that the Parish Council agreed to the installation of rubber wheel stops to prevent vehicles getting too close to the wall and marking out bays at a cost of £2400. A letter to the Borough has been drafted and has been sent by the Clerk.

                                   Action 2.11 Complete

Community Chest application will need to be made accordingly for the Village car park work.

Action 4.10 (18): F & GP WG To update and sign the Jubilee Centre lease given the length of time that has now passed and the lack of response from the solicitors and to be registered with the Land Registry. No progress. Further advice to be sought from Borough legal dept as to whether any lease would still need to be registered.                           Action 4.10 (18): Ongoing 

Action 10.09 (18): F & GP WG To sign the woodland transfer document. A further draft document has been received and it includes the option to have highway access through the northern part of the site which is now planted up. The Forest of Marston Vale are reviewing the document.  Initial thoughts were that the developers should offer alternative land should this option be taken up but the developers say that currently they have no land. A meeting was to be set up to discuss this but coronavirus has meant that this meeting cannot currently be held.                                               Action 10.09 (18): Ongoing 

Action 7.19: Clerk/MB/MF To commence uploading of Parish Council documents to the PC website as and when they are reviewed Standing Orders to be uploaded and the Burial Ground rules. Action 7.19: Ongoing 

Action 9.14: Clerk/BC To issue BC with the relevant paperwork, sign and submit them .                                                               Action 9.14: Complete

Action  11.06: F&GP WG To arrange meeting with Beds CCG IT to discuss video link doctors appointments, as some surgeries already do this.  Beds CCG will again be approached as to identify how these links might be established instead of a face to face meeting which is not possible at the moment due to the coronavirus.                          Action  11.06: Ongoing

Action 10.11: F&GP WG To continue to pursue possible adoption of land off Bedford Road with communications with the Borough Officer to include clarity on the length of the lease, and the associated management and costs of potential traveller encampments to be considered by the Working Group.   No progress.                                                                Action 10.11: Ongoing 

Action 10.14: Clerk To issue Geoff Odell the new Parish Councillor necessary paperwork and submit.                 Action 10.14: Complete

Action 1.18: MF/F&GPWG To set up all Councillors moving to a uniform platform which would enable access to an improved system for all users.                                   Action 1.18: Complete

Action 1.19: Clerk To respond to the Footpath Group's proposal that the Parish Council part fund the cost of the diversion of Footpath 7 nearer the wood because it had perceived advantages to residents as well as the landowner.                                                                 Action 1.19: Complete

Action 1.22: F&GP WG To make a recommendation on Parish Council reserves and associated policy for consideration. Was an Agenda item for this March PC meeting but will now be addressed online and Financial Regulations amended as necessary.                    Action 1.22: Ongoing

Action 2.07 EB / F&GPWG To ascertain if the developer could pay retrospectively for the average speed cameras along Cotton End Road, or establish other ways to avoid losing any such planning gain monies. As this application has been refused then, unless it is successfully appealed, the developer will not be contributing to the cost of any CCTV on Cotton End Rd

                                                                                      Action 2.07 To be Deleted

Action 2.14 F&GP WG To review whether to have other accounts in other Banks as the PC is likely to have much more in its accounts in future due to section 106 payments etc and this review to be included in the PC's Financial Regulations.  This was discussed at the February meeting and it was decided that, for simplicity, accounts will remain with Barclays and bonds with Cambridge and Counties banks. The risk of Barclays not being able to cover the full value of amounts held was considered and agreed to be minimal.                                           Action 2.14 Complete

Action 2.15 F&GP WG To create a proposed list of payments full schedule for over the year and incorporate into the Financial Regulations to reflect the Council's practice. Was an Agenda item for this March PC meeting. Now will be addressed / agreed online.                                                Action 2.15 Ongoing

Action 2.16 BC,GO,JM To notify the Clerk of any training needs All training courses postponed until further notice                             Action 2.16 Ongoing

Action 3.05 EB To arrange fitment of additional meter at allotments

                                        Action 3.05 EB

Action 3.06 All Councillors To consider a response for the possible new Ward Boundary. Meeting item .                                                 Action 3.06 Complete

Action 3.07 F&GPWG To contact the group offering to organise a Christmas Tree by email (rather than the planned meeting), discuss how a tree would be organised and connected and report back to the PC   Action 3.07 Ongoing  

Action 3.08 F&GPWG To Change Barclays Business Account to allow signatories to be the same as on Community (ie Current) Account.                                                   Action 3.08 Ongoing

Action 3.09 F&GPWG To submit a proposal for amount of Reserves to be held                                Action 3.09 To be deleted (see Action 1.22)

Action 3.10 F&GPWG To arrange a meeting with resident who had expressed an interest in being a Parish Councillor. Two residents have now expressed an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor. It had been planned to have a chat with both but this was considered not currently possible due to the coronavirus. Both residents have been informed of this and that they will be contacted once face to face meetings are permitted. Action 3.10 Ongoing

Action 3.11 F&GPWG To recommend response to Wilstead Scout Group grant request. Agenda item                                            Action 3.11 Complete  

The street light upgrade work has taken place, it will be a good opportunity for the Parish Council to review the supply costs.

The External Auditor (Mazars) have responded to the Parish Council's comments on the audit statements regarding the Clerk and RFO.  They  will be discussing this with the National Audit Office and will respond in due course.