All Saints Church
Church Road
telephone 01234 261477
All Saints, Wilstead, Past and Present
14th century The Church was built
15th century Tomb – with brass cover
1518 A bell donated to the tower peal
1598 The Tompson Memorial
1707 Four bells in the Tower, the tenor bell reported as cracked
1734 The porch was repaired
1742 The tower fell down
1761 A royal coat of arms painted in church
1765 The Ten Commandments painted at the east end
1783 A bell was re-cast
1826 The small bell was re-cast and a new font basin ordered
1827 The west end was described as being very dilapidated
1846-7 Church was repaired and re-decorated
1850 The church was surveyed prior to the re-building of the new stone tower
1850 The tower was completed and dedicated on 1st November – cost £730.
Also the old vicarage was enlarged
1872-3 Chancel and porch rebuilt. Organ chamber (now vesting area) built.
Money donated by Lord Thynne and William Layton Lownes of
Church Farm
1873 The Organ installed into the new chamber
1895 Wooden kneelers made
1891 New oil lamps installed
1895 The funeral cart made
1898 The clock installed for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee
1899 The east end of the church underpinned
1908 Chancel and south aisle repaired
1920 The memorial window for WWI in place
1926-7 The Coley windows installed – north side
1930 The Coley windows installed – south side
1953 New altar rails and pulpit panels fitted
1965 Repairs to church – organ moved to its present site
1975 The Chapter House built – known as The Thyne Room.
Dedicated All Saints Eve
1980 St Paul's, Littleworth cleared
1985 The Gambriel window (south side) dedicated
1990 Cox window panel (south side) installed
1992 June – church redecorated
1993 Parish Burial Ground consecrated
1994 The Church was re-carpeted. Also purchase of green, purple and
red altar frontals and vestments
2000 Nave floor renewed
2001 White altar frontal/vestments dedicated
2002 Kneeler project began
2003 Improvements to the organ
Times of Services
Church services are at 11am every Sunday.
There are weddings and baptisms by arrangement.