Then you are very welcome and we hope you will join in with all community activities. One of the benefits of living in Wilstead (or Wilshamstead as it is formally known) is that you can get to know your neighbours and other people in the village quite quickly. If you are interested in being part of village life then there is plenty for you to join in with. For details have a look at the Newsletter and the Diary of events, but here is a taster to begin with:
In the local area there are two doctors surgeries
For children:
Toddler group in the Evangelical Church Hall on a Wednesday
Pre-school playgroup in their own building on the Lower School Site
1st Haynes & Wilstead Scout Group
All ages:
Football Club – several teams
Wilstead Allotment Association
Various Church groups
Older people:
Sunshine Club in the Village Hall every other Friday afternoon.
We have a very active Parish Council, a Residents' Association for those living on Briar Bank Park, riding stables and 2 churches. The village is also well served by the Post Office and Store, a mini-market and pharmacy, two take-away restaurants, Willow Tree Club at Briar Bank and two pubs. These last are core to a thriving village and we urge you to use them - or lose them.
To find out more, look on the relevant pages on this website or send us a message. We will pass it on to someone who will be able to give you further information.
Wilstead Newsletter
Next Deadline: Friday 21st March
Newsletter Publication: Friday 4th April

Welcome to the Wilstead Communtiy Website
featuring news and views from the community and Parish Council
Updated 6th March
Services Emergency Numbers
Gas 0800 111 999
Electricity Emergency 0800 404 090
OpenReach 0800 800 151
BT Faults 0800 800 150
Virgin Media 0345 454 1111
Power outage 0800 3163 105 or 105
Anglian Water 03457 145 145
(24/7 line)