This is a picture of Miss Lawrence [taken in 1963] of the Horse Protection League [it was based up Vicarage Lane at the time]. She lived down Luton Road in one of the bungalows on the North-side and spent most of her time rescuing horses and cats. This photo was taken in the field that is now part of Wilstead graveyard [you can see All Saints church in picture too]. Jack, who was the oldest horse in the country at that time, had fallen into the pond and couldn't get out. In the picture you can see Mr Harry Clarke [of Church Road] in shirt sleeves and Mr Mastin from the garage [tall man with cap] who bought along a truck to rescue the horse. It took some time but the old horse was rescued none too worse for the experience and went on to live for another year or two in the same field.
(Article and photo submitted in Bedford Road resident)